Quality is what the customer says it is, not what the seller wants it to be
High quality proposals may not always help you to win more business, but poor quality proposals will certainly help you to lose more. BidBenchSolo provides access to a library of high quality proposal attributes as viewed from the customer’s, not the seller's perspective, which despite being largely intuitive are often neglected by sellers.
Establish a set of improvement actions
BidBenchSolo will identify opportunities for improvement in a proposal by self-assessment. In around 60 minutes, the tool guides you through
21 multiple choice questions and emails you with an automatically generated improvement report based on your responses.
Find out how you compare with others instantly
BidBenchSolo also tells you how you compare with others based on data that is dynamically updated every time someone uses the tool – no more out of date comparisons.
Our value proposition
By using BidBenchSolo you will focus your limited time and resources on improving those aspects of a proposal which have been consistently proven in thousands of proposal writing workshops across the UK, Europe, the US and Asia to improve evaluation scores by an average of 40%. In addition, you will reduce the time and costs involved in holding unfocused proposal reviews and in implementing review actions which do nothing to improve your win probability.
View a Sample Report
Before starting
- Have your proposal and the customer’s request to hand; be familiar with them
£60 per proposal including VAT
(where applicable)
- Set aside around 60 minutes, find a quiet space
- Read/Print the PDF User Guide